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Global Investment Roadmap 01
The Global Investment Roadmap (GIR) Report is an in depth multi-asset publication which highlights investment risks and opportunities around the world. We have a model-guided approach which aims to identify which phase of the business cycle we are in, and the related assets, sectors, investment factors and stocks showing leadership. The report contains a number of proprietary models and indicators, including our proven Multi-Asset Technical Ranking Model and Global Stock Ranking Model.

Performance of USD Multi-Asset Technical Ranking

Performance of S&P 500 Stocks ranked using Global 
Stock Ranking Model

Subscribers to the GIR report are usually institutional investors, corporations or sophisticated high net worth individuals who are in a position to invest internationally and in all asset classes. The paper is published on a monthly basis. Please contact us for more information.

Performance only shown for illustrative purposes and does not represent the performance of any specific investment. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. 

Performance only shown for illustrative purposes and does not represent the performance
of any specific investment. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. 

My Market Opinions Newsletter 02
My Market Opinions newsletter is a short commentary summarizing, at a high level, the macro views expressed in the Global Investment Roadmap report. It is designed for Individual Investors wanting to keep on top of key moves, trends and recommendations on a medium-term view. My Market Opinions newsletter is an internet based subscription (delivery and payment). Please click here for past examples.
Investment Advisory Services 03
Robin Griffiths  provides investment advisory services to financial institutions, corporate clients, family offices and high net worth individuals globally. Meetings are held, usually on a quarterly basis, to discuss the latest macroeconomic trends and developments and their investment implications. 
Conferences and Speaking Engagements 04
Robin Griffiths is a frequent speaker at a number of investment seminars. He has given speeches all over the world for large audiences of investment professionals. Please contact us for any enquiries. 

100 Brompton Road

London, SW3 1ER

+ 44 (0) 207 399 4600

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The ECU Group plc

Registered in England No. 2296619

Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

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